Sometimes people’s lives change in an instant. Sometimes for the better and sometimes for worse. Sometimes people choose between the two…


On November 1st 1998 Paris Robinson was shot for times in the chest at point blank range and has been in a wheelchair ever since. What transpired from there is a miraculous story that needs to be told.

If you have an audience you want touched, if you have an audience you want moved, if you have an audience you want motivated, uplifted and inspired book Paris Robinson.

Contact Paris about
booking a presentation
or one on one coaching

Please fill out the form below to book Paris for your show or to speak at your event. Paris loves doing interviews and does a 45 minute live presentation titled “Expectations and Excuses. Please contact for his availability, speaking fees and travel logistics.

Thank You.

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  • Mark England
    co-founder of Procabulary and Enlifted, TEDx Speaker, teacher

    You know when you hear someone speak and the hair stands up on the back of your neck? That happened to me the first time I heard Paris’ story. He and I have since become good friends and colleagues. Not only does Paris have an INCREDIBLE life story, he’s a fantastic coach too. He’ll listen. He’ll ask you very specific and important questions. He’ll help you change your life. If you want to give your audience a truly unique and empowering experience book Paris Robinson.

  • David Robinson
    Competitive Athlete, Co-Founder of GS Nation

    I first heard Paris speak in June of 2018 at a seminar for language, breath, and movement. In a room filled with world class speakers and experts in their field, Paris undoubtedly stole the show. His incredible story proves that ANYONE can do ANYTHING they put their mind to.

  • Rick McCoy
    Professional MMA Fighter, Owner of the MMA Institute

    As a full time Martial Arts coach I know how important the mental game is. In one sense, it’s everything. Just listening to Paris puts EVERYTHING into perspective. All athletes need to hear his story. All of them. His story is sooo powerful.

  • Avery Wood
    Integrated Health Coach, World Traveler, Aerialist

    Paris has endured experiences that you would never be able to imagine. The thing that struck me the most is his insight into how he overcame his situation. He is inspiring, charismatic and really funny too. Check him out.

  • Will Parker
    Kettlebell / Fitness Coach

    A powerful story about decisions and consequences. Listen and learn from Paris Robinson. He is an unforgettable experience.

  • Ashley Bledsoe

    Paris Robinson really moved me. He reminded me to be grateful and thankful about the things we usually take for granted.

  • Keith Reynolds
    Founder of Synapse

    Paris Robinson has an incredible story. The message in his story and how he shares it when he speaks leave those fortunate enough to hear him inspired and in awe. Life is full of highs and lows, and Paris reminds us of the power of a positive attitude and the will to survive.

  • Ashley Stevenson Jenkins

    When Paris Robinson came to speak at my gym he brought more than just words of encouragement – he brought a captivating energy that was palpable as soon as he entered the doors. We were honored to hear his story at CrossFit Pushin Weight and know that anyone who is struggling from where they are in life would benefit from discovering the path Paris has taken.

  • Brandon Powell
    Martial Arts Instructor - Wim Hof Method Teacher

    Paris has an inspirational story of overcoming hardship. Thrust into a situation most of us couldn’t imagine and compelled to rise above it, his efforts and mindset can impart wisdom on us all.

  • Mike Bledsoe
    Co-Founder of Barbell Shrugged, The Bledsoe Show and The Strong Coach

    I ​live​ in the world of personal development … Paris Robinson blew my mind!!!!

  • Brian Muka
    Founder of Fear Sherpa

    I’ve enjoyed the pleasure on multiple occasions to experience this man’s powerful story. He lights a fire every time and inspires me to go further and stops me from making excuses. With his life’s story combined with the way he delivers his powerful and life changing message, he dares us all to be better. You have to experience this for yourself.

  • Ryan A. Menard
    DO Menard Forty-Four, PLLC

    Paris shifted my perspective and showed me what human beings are truly capable of. Since hearing him speak, I’ve noticed an increase in confidence, clarity, and peace within myself. Others have noticed a difference as well. Paris is a living testimonial of what the human spirit is capable of overcoming and achieving. Thank you, Paris Robinson, for setting the bar and sharing your gift in a such powerful way.

CARITAS and The Healing Place

Paris found hope at The Healing Place, a program of CARITAS. The Healing Place is a long-term peer-driven residential recovery
program. Here, our neighbours suffering from substance use disorder carve pathways to sobriety, employment, and spiritual wellness. The Healing Place program includes a workforce development program, a transitional sober living community, and an active Alumni Association to support lifelong sobriety. We offer services at no cost. Services are currently available for men and will be available for women by early 2020.

Looking for help? Click here. Want to help more men and women like Paris? Consider making a donation or volunteering today. Click here to donate and volunteer.


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